Lifewave Testimonials

My Personal Testimonial

I cannot say enough about these products, the company, and the owner and inventor of Lifewave phototherapy patches. Throughout my years struggling, surviving, and scrambling to try and find answers to the health challenges I was born with, I’ve come across a lot of different therapies, modalities, and health products, but I’ve never seen anything like these little miracle patches. I honestly believe they saved my life! ~Deborah Rivas

Read the full testimonial


Memory restored! One woman’s 30 day journey on x39


Testimonial snippets


Professional ballerina’s incredible healing with Lifewave


“I have been using X39 for 2 months and I still can’t believe the results that continue to happen. My recovery time at the gym is better now than I can ever remember. Not only has my cardio routine improved by 10X, but I’m back in the weight room lifting free weights at the level that I was in college. I don’t even worry about getting sore muscles or any kind of fatigue from working out too hard. Wow. . .what a game changer!”

“I have Lupus. I had the most amazing experience when I tried the x39 patches. The day I received the patches my legs and my ankles and my feet and toes and fingers and hands were swollen badly. I feared that my doctor would throw me in the hospital once more. In 12 hours all the swelling had gone down everywhere. Thank you Life wave for saving me hospital torture and probably $20,000. I will never be without these.”

“The proof is in the pudding and WOW, in one month the X39 sure exceed my expectations! My persistent knee pain disappeared. My brain fog vanished to a point where I no longer needed a 2nd coffee to finish off my day. The X39 is simply amazing!”

“I have had amazing results with the X39 stem cell patch. After just a few short weeks of sticking the patch on daily. My joints are not sore or stiff anymore and I feel amazing! And no more crackles and pops in my joints. I’m so happy. I have had sore stiff joints for years!”

“For the past 8 years my back was hurting. I was diagnosed with scoliosis of the lumbar spine. I could not stand more than one hour without pain. A friend introduced me to X39 and within a few hours I noticed the pain was gone. This product works!”

“I am 54 and have only been using the X39 patches for about 3 weeks. My sleep has improved significantly and my muscle recovery from exercise has greatly improved.”

“I struggled with major back pain for more than 30 years. Before I started using X39, I was taking 6 different pain medications. Within a month, I reduced my pain meds by 60%. Now I can enjoy life and play with my grandson without being laid up for the next 48 to 96 hours.”

“I can’t believe it. . .X39 fixed my hands in 3 months!
Because I’ve been working in computers for over 20 years, I’ve developed a severe case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (which was starting to feel like arthritis), and after just 3 months of using one X39 patch daily, 100% of my pain is gone and my hands feel like NEW HANDS!”

“After only about 1 month using X39 my results exploded. I am now able to work out at an unbelievable level. I no longer have to deal with lack of energy, long muscle recovery, inflammation from past injuries, and aches and pains from a lifetime of a very active life. What’s even more amazing is the level of brain clarity and focus, stamina and a better quality of sleep. My wife has a bad knee that is virtually bone on bone as a result of time and an skiing accident. She had been taking several pain meds for relief. Now she has been having amazing results with Ice Wave for pain relief. We can’t wait to try the others! Thank you Lifewave”

“This product is so amazing! I was diagnosed with MS in 2015 and lost so many abilities to go do things. I tried stem cell treatment in Florida that cost me 15k. No results really at all. BUT when I tried this patch for the first time! OMG, I’m able to do things now that I haven’t been able to in the past 5 years! I’m only on week 2!”

“I feel like time has been turned back 15-20 years. My energy level is higher and my strength has boomed. My face is slowly showing signs of rejuvenation – and this is after only 2 weeks! wow!”

“Since wearing the X39 patch for 2 weeks I’ve noticed a profound decrease of joint pain AND less brain fog. I forgot to wear my patch for a few days and my finger and elbow joints felt stiff and sore again. I got right back to applying my patch, and again had relief right away. The X39 patch made a (usually skeptical) believer out of me! I will be sharing this with my family and friends!”

“After using this product for only 2 days….I am so impressed! My pain level went from 9 down to 1-3! I didn’t believe it would help immediately but what they say about this product is true!”

“I never thought that x39 would take the pain of my teeth! Wow In just 3 weeks teeth pain gone and the osteoporosis dull back pain is 95% gone. My skin is amazing and has tightened my jaw line in 4 weeks. This is my Life INSURANCE! I am getting better everyday in every way! Omygoodness…. what a different STEM CELLS MAKE!! I’m good paying 4 dollars a day for the rest of my life. My stem cell are awake and working and every part of my body. I can see it in my face I can see it in my skin I could see it in the way I feel. I’ll never be without. I don’t have a lot of money, I am on Social Security but this is a must for me!

“If it wasn’t for my mom who is a very active Lifewave user, I would have been giving my 2 years old daughter antibiotics 2 times, to get her “inflammation of the middle ear” away. But with your fantastic patches it hasn’t been necessary. The result shows very quickly that her pain is gone, she sleeps better again and she start to have more energy. Every time I’m nearly choked up or surprised. Every time in the future I will use patches. I will definitely recommend Lifewave to my friends!”

“Incredibly amazing products I wouldn’t trade for anything, wouldn’t have a day without it. My day won’t be complete without a patch. It just keeps me going and going and going, always put a smile on my face when everyone else are having a hard time getting through the day. It allows me to function stress free with mental clarity and focus, best yet…it allows my own body’s healing process to work naturally, safely and promptly. I’m loving Lifewave!”


One more testimonial from another skeptic. . .

The information on this page is from user testimonials. Results vary based on the individual user, and other considerations such as lifestyle, nutrition, state of health prior to using the patches, length and quality of sleep, hydration, etc. Lifewave phototheray patches are FDA approved under the general wellness category. Lifewave patches may provide symptomatic relief but are not intended to be a substitute for treatment from a licensed practitioner, nor does Lifewave make any medical claims as to their ability to treat, cure or prevent any disease. These products are not meant to be a substitute for a healthy life style, proper nutrition, health regimen or necessary medication. If you have a medical condition please continue appropriate supervision and/or treatment as deemed necessary by an FDA approved health care practitioner. is owned and operated by Embody Life, an independent Lifewave distributor.