Request a Private Session

Deborah is only offering private sessions on a limited basis. If your session can be accommodated, you will be notified within 48 hours. All information provided on this form, as well as your session, is 100% confidential.

PLEASE NOTE: Sessions with Deborah are not to be considered an intuitive reading, nor or they anything like a typical therapy session. Although Deborah’s intuition is integral to this work, specific questions may not be able to be answered, as her intuition is focused on what needs to be addressed for you to receive maximum benefit from the session. Discussion tends to slow down the process, so it is recommended that you list what you would like to address in your session on this form. As a general rule, Deborah only accepts sessions when she feels like she can help with your specific needs. Payment is requested at the time of scheduling to reserve your appointment. Thank you!

Remember to hit “Send Form” at the bottom of this page to send your information.

    * Required Field

    First and Last Name *

    City/State *

    Your Time Zone *

    Email Address *

    This form will not be sent correctly without a valid email address. Your email will not be added to any email lists without your consent.

    Contact Phone Number *

    Please Include Area Code
    (if international, please enter phone number exactly as it would need to be dialed from the US)

    What days of the week are you available to START a session between the
    hours of 8:00am and 11:00am PST?

    Please check all days that you are available.

    Is there anything specific you would like to address in your session?
    If you are requesting a group session, please include details such as preferred dates, approximately how many in attendance, and whether you would like the session to be in person or over the phone/internet.

    Who referred you or what inspired your interest in a session?

    I have read the FDA disclaimer below

    The FDA requires that we inform you…

    The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) prohibits the making of health or therapeutic claims for effects relating to any physical or mental illness except by members of the medical profession and/or other FDA approved licensed practitioners. Embody Life sessions are powerful catalysts for transformation and self healing, however they are not intended to be a substitute for treatment from a licensed practitioner. The content of this web site and the information revealed in your session is meant for educational/entertainment purposes only and has not been approved by the FDA, AMA or any other governmental institution. The services and products herein offered are not intended to replace therapy or medical services. These services and are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, nor do they substitute for a healthy life style, proper nutrition, health regimen or necessary medication. If you are experiencing a mental, emotional, or physical disorder please continue appropriate supervision and/or treatment as deemed necessary by a licensed practitioner. It is in your sole discernment as to when, why and how to apply the information made available to you in your session.